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Odisha announces maternity, paternity leaves for parents who opt for surrogacy

In a landmark move, Odisha government on Thursday announced new provisions granting maternity and paternity leave to employees who become parents through surrogacy. Under the new policy, female state government employees will receive 180 days of maternity leave, while male employees will be entitled to 15 days of paternity leave. This policy mirrors similar provisions already implemented by the central government.
As outlined in the official notification, female state employees who become mothers through surrogacy, referred to as “commissioning mothers,” are eligible for 180 days of maternity leave, provided they have fewer than two surviving children. Similarly, if the surrogate mother is a state employee, she will also be entitled to the same maternity leave under identical conditions.
Male state employees, or “commissioning fathers,” who have a child via surrogacy, will be eligible for 15 days of paternity leave. This leave must be taken within six months of the child’s birth and applies only if the employee has fewer than two surviving children.
The state’s decision aligns with the central government’s surrogacy leave provisions, which were formalised in a notification dated June 18, 2024.
The new policy has been widely praised as a progressive step toward recognising the diverse ways families are formed, particularly through surrogacy.
A spokesperson for the state’s employee welfare department said, “The inclusion of surrogacy in maternity and paternity leave policies reflects a growing understanding of the diverse pathways to parenthood. This move ensures that all parents, regardless of the method of childbirth, are supported during the crucial early months of their child’s life”.
This policy is expected to provide significant relief to state government employees becoming parents through surrogacy.
